
There is a community beyond the bank’s walls that deserves our attention and our resources. Like you, the Bank of Missouri comprises ordinary people who make up the community. For them, it’s about being more than their banker; It’s taking care of people. Together, volunteers, friends, and neighbors can live well and do good math.Fortiva-Credit-Card Bank of Missouri has partnered with Corserv and Visa to offer a program that allows community banks to issue their credit cards without adding additional staff or infrastructure. Instead, community banks can use a turnkey platform that manages, processes, and serves credit cards. It provides bank identification numbers and sells the volume of purchases to community banks, receiving 100% of the card exchange rate, interest, and commission.

Bank of Missouri is an FDIC-insured bank. They generally accept those with low to fair credit scores and offer secured and unsecured personal credit cards. They also issue individual credit cards through Aspire, Continental Finance, SoFi, and Fortiva. It provides the most suitable Fortiva Credit Card for those looking to build credit through everyday or unexpected expenses.Fortiva-Credit-Card-Bank-Of-Missouri-Office

Bank of Missouri issues Fortiva credit cards. So if you choose MasterCard, you will receive the Bank of Missouri card, but you will work with Atlanticus to manage it. Fortiva is a product of Atlanticus (a holding company that invests in financial services) marketed as a precarious card.

It is a community bank with over 30 branches across Missouri and has been in business for over 100 years. The bank issues unsecured credit cards to help people with low to fair credit scores improve their scores without making a security deposit upfront. A building or rebuilding your credit is accessible with Bank of Missouri credit cards. Every card on our list reports card activity to the big three credit bureaus, which is necessary to help you get credit faster.